Learning the "bassics"

Heya! You know? There's a lot of musicians out there who have been playing since the cradle and they sure can teach you a thing or two about music itself, but... ¿how 'bout we'd learn togetherfrom zero in this blog?

So, since we're all newbies helping each other, let's start by breaking apart the "guitar focus" 'cause some people believe that being a musician starts and ends with playing the guitar. So ¿what should the first step be? Well that's quite simple: Singing.

"I sing awful" I hear you guys saying, but hey, I used to sing horrendous as well. So ¿How to sing? Here you've got it:

Step 1: Learn to use your diaphragma, that muscle in your stomach that hurts when you laugh a lot.
Step 2: Experiment with all the sounds you can produce using your diaphragma, throat and mouth.
Step 3: DON'T STOP TRYING, even if you feel like you haven't improved a little bit, keep doing your best until it hurts.
Step 4: Once you feel comfortable with ypur skill level, learn the proper musical notes, study the scales and follow them with your voice. This may take a lot of time and effort, but later on, playing an instrument will be 10 times easier if you just do with the instrument what you do with your voice.

Hope these tips were useful, feel free to tell me what do you think.
¡Rock's up!
